Good to Grow: Soil Health
Let’s talk basics- soil health!

What’s Growing With Tom Week 11: How to Get More Colorful Blooms
If you’re not seeing many blooms on your flowers or if the blooms you do have are lacking vibrant color, what is going on?

What’s Growing With Tom Week 22: How To Put Your Garden To Bed
After one more harvest it is time to put the garden to bed. With a little DAIRY DOO and HEALTHY GARDEN, you can get a jumpstart on next year’s growing right now!
What’s Growing with Tom Week 10: Keep Lawns Looking Green
How does the way you care for your lawn impact the waters around us? Take a look at this video where we talk about organic matter, salt based fertilizers, and the reason we know that Safe Green Lawn is the way to go for your yard.Catch up on the other What’s Growing...

What’s Growing with Tom 2020: Reusing Raised Beds
We are getting prepared for planting at the 9&10 News gardens! This week we are showing you how to reuse a raised bed.
What’s Growing With Tom Week 12: Attack of the Rose Chafers!
One minute your trees are looking great and the next they are under attack from beetles. In this video, we look at damage from rose chafers and what you can do.

What’s Growing With Tom Week 23: Starting a Compost Pile
Thought about starting your own compost pile? That’s great! In this video, Tom and Justin use the plants from the garden to build a compost “cake”.
What’s Growing with Tom Week 11: Garden Update
Keep an eye out for fungal diseases in cool, damp weather like we’ve had this year. Check out the organic product we suggest here.
What’s Growing With Tom 2020: Getting the Lawn Ready
What do you look for in a lawn fertilizer?

What’s Growing With Tom Week 13: Ask Our Soil Scientist!
Time to get some of YOUR questions answered!

Has Your Soil Foiled Your Garden Dreams?
Gardeners will often survey their soil and come to the conclusion that they are limited in what they can grow. They forget that the soil is alive and capable of changing! The thought of trying to change your soil might be intimidating, but with a few tips and tools, you can do it!

What’s Growing with Tom Week 12: Popular Gardening Trends
Learn more about some of the buzzwords in gardening.

What’s Growing With Tom 2020: Transplanting Veggies
This year we teamed up with David Coveyou to talk about transplanting veggies. Check it out here!

What’s Growing With Tom Week 14: Garden Update
The garden is growing great! Almost too great… in fact, some plants are getting shaded out by their enormous neighbors. What should a gardener do next? We’ve got the answers!

Straw Bale Gardening
Want to try straw bale gardening? Follow these steps to have a successful straw bale garden that requires no weeding! Download the How To’s here!
What’s Growing with Tom Week 13: Adding some Key Minerals
How do you get more flavorful produce? Hint- it starts in the soil!

Tough Jobs Feature: Worm Farming
Take a behind the scenes look at our worm farming operation here!
What’s Growing With Tom Week 15: What to Do About Yellowing Plants
If your garden is growing but you notice yellowing on the leaves of your veggie plants, what should you do? We’ve got the answers in this short video!
Tour Morgan Composting with Destination Michigan
Take a tour of Morgan Composting with the crew from PBS’ Destination Michigan.

What’s Growing with Tom Week 14: Making a Food Plot Part 1
Take a look at our food plot prep part 1!
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