“I am sending along a picture of some huge broccoli we harvested in July. We had 3, 3lb heads- a record for the farm. We were just using your mix with some extra chicken pellets. Thanks for your help!”

“DAIRY DOO made our new garden explode and is growing like wildfire! Thanks for such awesome soil!!”
“First time I used your potting soil and MAN is it ever OFF THE CHAIN. ALL my plants and Peppers have EXPLODED. This was taken a few weeks after transplanting my Habaneros. I tell everyone I know of DAIRY DOO and will use it every chance I can get.”

“Trying to share some the pictures from our garden….thanks to the DAIRY DOO it is amazing!!! Leaves on the zucchini plants and the plant itself is over waist high! This is our whole garden…can’t walk between the rows!”

The summer green up after Safe Green Lawn!
“Let me just say if you’re not using FoodPlotDoo and antler grow you should be…the FoodPlotDoo is an awesome product good work DOO gang. Awesome germination 2 of these plots are less than a month in the ground.”

Seed Starter 101 vs. Popular National Brand.
“This will me my third year doing a straw bale garden using your products! It’s great fun and produces a lot of tasty veggies! Tomatoes and cucumbers do great in the bales. String beans did good too last year. Basil produced an amazing crop too. I planted marigolds on the sides for pest control and because they are pretty!”

Alfalfa treated with DAIRY DOO liquids vs. alfalfa without treatment.

“Huge shout out to Brad & Justin Morgan and all the fine folks at Morgan Composting who helped us transform the 5 acre clear cut we did this summer. We’ve had the great success with the small deer plots but now we have a well thought out destination plot that will help provide forage all year long to complament the entire habitat improvement program we have in place here at the Dead Creek Co-Op!”

“Christmas came early! Yesterday we took delivery of 70 yards of “black gold” from Morgan Composting. Their DAIRY DOO premium compost has been powering our farm since Day 1.
This year we wisened up and scheduled delivery for the end of the season instead of spring. The thing is, we don’t live on a Class A road, so spring Frost Laws can really restrict when we can receive large trucks of important materials. Now we can rest easy knowing that our DAIRY DOO is on the premises and spring planting can commence as soon as we need to! Obviously we’ve got a long ways to go before spring.
Major props to Morgan Composting and their crew of skilled drivers and haulers. This was no easy feat with a packed ice driveway from the Cookie Crawl and a tandem semi with 25 tons each. This is dumping the 2nd load from the lead after dumping and detaching the pup.
A pile of perfect compost is like having money in the bank. The best Christmas gift for the plants and the soil! And peace of mind for the Farmers!”