What’s Growing with Tom Week 19: Getting the Lawn Ready for Fall
It is time to get the lawns ready for the end of the year. Check out what we suggest here!

What’s Growing With Tom Week 9: How to Feed Your Lawn
This week we were back at 9&10 News to show Tom O’Hare how to feed the lawn- an important step this time of year.

What’s Growing With Tom Week 16: Powdery Mildew
In this week’s garden update we talk about powdery mildew on zucchini plants and what you can do about it.
What’s Growing with Tom Week 4: Almost Time to Plant
Last week we talked about how to assemble a new raised bed. But what if you want to reuse an old one? Never fear, we’ve got the steps for you in this short video!Catch up on the other What’s Growing With Tom segments here.
What’s Growing with Tom Week 20: Field Prep
Considering adding a hay field on your property? Let’s talk about what you should do first.

Good to Grow: Healthy Lawn
Join us at Countryside Greenhouse where we talk about lawn care!

How to Keep Your Plants Happy and Healthy this Summer
If you are serious about improving your yields, growing the perfect tomato, or just fully enjoying all your plants can offer, it’s time to talk about feeding your plants.

What’s Growing With Tom Week 17: How to Plant a Food Plot
Learn how to plant a food plot in this short video. From start to finish, we walk you through all the steps!

What’s Growing with Tom Week 5: Time to Plant
Got questions on what soil to use when you are planting? Check out this video where we review, Seed Starter 101, FlowerDoo 201, and VeggieDoo 301. Plus, we show you how to use Seed Starter 101 in a raised bed when starting vegetables you don’t want to transplant like...

What’s Growing with Tom Week 21: Closing Down the Beds for Winter
It is time to put the garden to bed. Click here to watch how it is done!

Soil Health Seminar 2018
The Soil Health Seminar on August 16 is a chance for you to learn, meet others in the industry, enjoy lunch on us, and tour our compost site. Save your spot now!

What’s Growing With Tom Week 18: Salt-Based vs Carbon-Based Fertilizers
Do you know the difference between the effectiveness of salt-based vs carbon-based fertilizers? Which is right for your lawn? Find out in this lawn update!

What’s Growing with Tom Week 6: Food Plot
Last year’s food plot turned out great! Check out some of the trail cam footage in this video.

Resource Round Up!
Learn more about raised bed gardens, maintaining a beautiful lawn, and more in our round-up of gardening resources for you!

New for 2018: DAIRY DOO’s Hay Program
What happens when you routinely farm a field without putting anything back into the soil? Eventually it catches up to you- reducing the quality and quantity of your yields and hurting your pocketbook. Our new program can help combat that, improving your soil, yields, and economics.

What’s Growing With Tom Week 19: Garden TLC
No matter where or what you plant your garden in, it will need a little garden TLC. Let’s talk about a few maintenance steps to help your garden thrive!

What’s Growing with Tom Week 7: Hanging Flower Baskets
Use a little WormDoo and BloomBlaster to help keep your hanging baskets looking great all summer long. We will talk about why and how in this video!Catch up on the other What’s Growing With Tom segments here.

What’s Growing with Tom 2020: Getting Started
It is time for What’s Growing with Tom 2020! Let’s get started!

Liquid Amendments Are Here For Your Crops
When you are into the middle of the growing season using soils with deficiencies or your plants are in stress, what can you do? A liquid DAIRY DOO product can help.
What’s Growing With Tom Week 20: Feeding Your Trees & Food Plot Update
Check out a couple different options for feeding your trees and see the amazing results of the new food plot! Even we were impressed!
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