For Dealers
Founded in 1996, Morgan Composting began serving the agricultural market with composted dairy manure. As time went on, they developed more products that were useful in helping farmers improve their soil structure and fertility.
Soon, they realized that they could help not only agricultural professionals, but that they could also produce sustainable products that improve soil and plant health for landscape professionals and gardening enthusiasts. In 2006 the DAIRY DOO® retail product line was born. Today, the product line consists of composts, potting soils, organic fertilizers and several liquid fertilizer and plant protection products, all designed to help homeowners have great success growing plants in their yards and gardens.
At first, these products were sold only in our retail store here in Sears, MI. But soon the word spread about our products and today we have over 80 dealers primarily in Michigan. Becoming a DAIRY DOO® Dealer will help you improve your business as well. We offer a great line of premium products that will increase your sales and profits and keep gardeners coming back for more because of the results they receive. Contact us today if you’re interested in being a dealer and bringing “Doo Near You”!
Benefits of Being a DAIRY DOO® Dealer
- Premium Quality Products
- Co-Op Program for Outdoor Advertising and TV
- POP Materials to Promote Products
- Exclusively Sold in Independent Retailers
Click here to see the complete DAIRY DOO® line of products that are now available throughout our dealer network. Our quality products are a must for any garden center, farm market or retail greenhouse.
Looking to be a Doo Dealer?? Please contact Sue at (231) 734-2451 or for more details on carrying our products!
Our Dealers Are Located Throughout Michigan: