Bulk Chicken Manure &
Chicken Manure Blends

DAIRY DOO’S line of chicken manure products blends break down crop residue, releasing even more nutrients into the soil for the next growing season.

Chicken manure products from DAIRY DOO® strengthen your soil by unlocking nutrients AND adding biology. This makes your crops healthier and better able to withstand whatever nature may have in store. In comparison, conventional fertilizers leave out the biology components and organic matter that bring soils back to life.

We know that healthy soils grow healthy plants. Healthy plants produce higher quality crops and increased yields while becoming more resistant to disease and drought – making your farm more economically efficient.

Contact us to find out which of our products would be best for your fields. With information like what crops you grew last year and what you plan to grow this year, our Soil Health Experts can make recommendations to improve your soil.

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Layer Manure


Layer Manure is an all-natural and cost-effective soil amendment that has been used for generations. We source our chicken litter from five distinct barns located in Southwest Michigan, transporting it directly from the laying operation to your farm.

Recommended Rate of Application: 1-3 ton per acre

FOB Hamilton or Fennville, MI

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Poultry Compost


Poultry Compost is derived from Layer Manure, but composted to meet any food safety standards! Laying hens have a fixed diet, making the manure, and our resulting compost, more consistent. This compost provides organic matter, beneficial biology, and carbon to the soil.

Recommended Rate of Application: 1 yard-1 ton per acre

FOB Sears or Fennville, MI

 Want more information about this or other products? Click here!

K2 Blend


This blend is great for building soil health in grounds that have been underperforming. It increases the diversity of soil bacteria while activating microbes already present on your farm. The large addition of 600 lbs. of gypsum per ton also increases calcium and sulfur levels in the soil.

Mix consists of: Layer Manure | Gypsum | DAIRY DOO

Recommended Rate of Application: 1-2 ton per acre

FOB Sears or Fennville, MI

 Want more information about this or other products? Click here!

Layer Ash Blend


This is a custom mix that is based around Layer Manure. It takes the best of the Layer Manure world and combines it with DAIRY DOO Compost and wood ash. This blend adds microbiological activity, calcium, silica, and carbon to the soil while also releasing locked up nutrients. This increases water-holding capacity.

Mix consists of: Layer Manure | DAIRY DOO | Sili-K

Recommended Rate of Application: 1-2 ton per acre

FOB Sears or Fennville, MI

 Want more information about this or other products? Click here!

Layer Ash Blend With Gypsum


This mix has all of the benefits of our Layer Ash Blend, but with gypsum to provide additional calcium and sulfur. The organic matter of Layer Ash Blend with Gypsum will bind your sandy soils, break up compacted soils, and improve the nutrient holding capacity while preventing leaching. When the compost causes this blend to heat, the layer manure and gypsum react creating an ammonium sulfate-like product, giving you a quicker release.

Mix consists of: Layer Manure | DAIRY DOO | Gypsum | Sili-K

Recommended Rate of Application: 1-2 ton per acre

FOB Sears or Fennville, MI

 Want more information about this or other products? Click here!

Gypsum Plus


Gypsum Plus is an affordable way to add calcium and sulfur to the soil in the very first year. This mix will help break up compacted soils and increase nitrogen use efficiency in your crops. It also includes plenty of active microbiology to benefit the soil’s long-term health.

Mix consists of: Gypsum | Layer Manure | DAIRY DOO

Recommended Rate of Application: 1-2 ton per acre

FOB Sears or Fennville, MI

Want more information about this or other products? Click here!

Or Rely on the Original DAIRY DOO®


DAIRY DOO is our signature compost- a powerhouse in improving soil health. The added biology and carbon helps plants fully utilize existing nutrients or added fertilizers, giving you the biggest bang for your buck on all the products you use! DAIRY DOO is not like the compost created in backyards or traditional compost sites. It has a specific recipe, is closely monitored, and is thermophilic which eliminates all weed seeds and pathogens. This high-quality product binds sandy soils AND loosens clay while releasing nutrients for plant availability. This compost is available in semi-load quantities.

Recommended Rate of Application: 1 yard per acre

FOB Sears, MI

These mixes, sold by Morgan Composting, are soil amendments, not fertilizers. Therefore, all given analysis  should be considered approximate, not guaranteed.